Your First Deep Sea Fishing Trip
You've probably seen photos and videos of proud fishermen holding up big fish and wish to join them. Deep sea fishing can give you the thrill of catching the biggest fish of your lifetime so far, but only if you prepare yourself first. The directions here provide a solid foundation for your first deep water expedition.
Get a License
If you are on vacation and recently planned to go out deep sea fishing, be aware that before you go out on the charter boat, you could be asked to present a fishing license. Without one you may not be able to board; if you take a private boat, you run the risk of license violation fees. Many licenses can be purchased online, but you can contact the charter company to ask whether you can pick one up locally.
Dress Properly
Even though you're not there to impress anyone, attention to clothing is smart when deep sea fishing. Be ready to get splashed, so either bring a light, waterproof jacket or wear clothing that will dry quickly in the sun. Rubber shoes with some grip are best so that you're not slipping on the wet boat deck and can stand your ground against any fish that starts to pull on your line.
Good accessories can make fishing easier. Polarized sunglasses give you better visuals of the water surface, and gloves help you grip your rod better.
Loosen Drag
If you're used to small fish, you might be used to keeping the line and drag tight. If you do get a bite from a big fish, the force with which they pull back from the hook and line can be strong. If your drag is set too tight, the line will break and the fish will escape. When deep sea fishing, keep the line on the rod tight so you can start pulling them in but allow the drag to be a bit looser than normal. You can usually do this by turning the drag wheel under the rod handle counterclockwise.
Try Sonar
If your budget allows and you want a heads-up when there are fish in the area, you can purchase a sonar device. These devices reach different ranges depending on the model you buy. Read the manual and have some idea of how to use it before your trip so you can be ready to go when out on the water.
Check for a Cutting Crew
If you catch some smaller fish and want to eat them, you might not understand how to gut fish or prepare them for cooking. Many marinas have crews on-site who will do the job for you inexpensively.
Deep sea fishing is fun if you're prepared. Contact the charter company for tips that will make your first experience fantastic. To learn more, contact a company like Riptide Charters.