4 Maintenance Tips To Ensure Your New Boat Needs Fewer Repairs
Boats are a great investment choice is you want to have fun on the water. They are also unique because they spend much of their lives in a marine environment. Even with dry boat storage, boats need good maintenance routines to avoid costly repairs. Here are some maintenance tips to ensure your new boat needs few repairs and last for years:
1. Changing and Checking the Fluids of Your Engine
Any type of combustion engine needs to have routine maintenance done. Part of the maintenance that needs to be done with the engine of your boat is changing the fluids. Make sure you change your oil at least once a year and check all your fluids regularly.
2. Keep Dirt and Debris at Bay with Regular Cleaning
In a marine environment, the constant exposure to water causes wear. This is something that is even worse if your boat is in a salt water environment. Depending on the type of materials on your boat, there will be different cleaning routines that need to be done. With wood and metal materials, you will want to pay special attention to cleaning if you want to reduce corrosion problems. It is also important to keep all the mechanical parts and the engine of your boat clean.
3. Options for Winter Storage and Care of Your Boat
There are also things that will need to be done when storing your boat. You have a couple of options for storage during the winter months, which include dry storage and docking. You may want to dock your boat if you still plan on using it for things like fishing during the colder months. If you put your boat in dry storage, you will want to make sure that you change the oil, clean it and prepare it for storage during the winter months.
4. Maintenance Before and During Spring and Summer Boating Seasons
Before you take your boat out in late spring, there are some maintenance tasks that need to be done. You will want to check all the fluids and inspect for any damage that has happened while in storage. Start the engine and test the boat near the dock to make sure that everything is working before you take it out on the water and start to enjoy the summer months.
These are some boat maintenance tips that will help ensure your boat lasts for years with fewer repairs. Contact a boat ownership specialist to get help finding a boat that is right for you and more specific care tips for the boat your purchase.