Outdoor Pizza Ovens: Know Your Target Audience
Going into business to sell wood fired pizza ovens is quite the venture. Since these ovens are a hot trend right now, you may turn a small profit, but can you keep it up without expanding your business? You need to know your target audience before you get started on this endeavor. If you have not already made a list of target consumers, here is a short list to get you started.
Do you know how many people in this country go out on a weekend to drink? Probably not, but you may know from experience that eventually these people will look for something to eat during the course of their night's partying. Usually, what they want is pizza. Taverns looking to provide more than just the usual pub grub will want to provide pizza. Selling outdoor pizza ovens to taverns means that the tavern owners and operators can not only provide guests with late night pizza, but they can also provide quality pizza that is wood-fired and can be served up outdoors.
Pizza Parlors
Any business that is in the business of making and selling pizza will want a fire-grilled pizza oven. Why? Because it gives them a chance to create lots of new pizza recipes that customers will pay good money for. You can even sell to national pizza chains, who are going to jump on the wood-fired pizza craze eventually anyway. You would just be getting in there to sell the ovens ahead of your competition.
College Students
College students live on four things: pizza, Ramen in a cup, beer, and water (or so the story goes!). When they can afford something more, they order and eat pizza. Of course, if you walk into any frat or sorority house during "rush week," there is a very good chance you will be able to sell the house an outdoor pizza oven. That is because a lot of sorority and fraternity partying goes on during this week, and it is not a party there without pizza.
Homeowners During BBQ Season or Football Season
Homeowners frequently grill out during the summer (unless you are from Wisconsin--then you grill out anytime the temp outside hits forty degrees or above!). If they are looking for a new grill, you can also sell them an outdoor pizza oven. Additionally, football season is a major grilling out time. Your more portable models of wood-fired pizza ovens would work great at tailgating parties.
For more information about getting a wood fired pizza oven for you business, contact companies like Forno Nardona.