Need To Get Trendy And Find New Readers As A Writer? What To Do Now
If you are currently a writer and you find you are having a difficult time trying to keep up with the trends and changes in relation to what readers want, and you aren't getting the followers you need, it's time to make a change. There are different ways that you can see what other writers are up to when it comes to changing their writing for the times, and without having to buy all of their books, or multiple different short stories and books. Instead, you will want to look into monthly subscription options that keep you in loop.
Get a Subscription Box for Research and Reading
Get a box sent to your house once a month with the latest stories and novels that are going out, so you can see what others are writing about and what the trends are. This also gives you the opportunity to see how others are changing their writing, and to enjoy some good stories or to see what you don't want to do. This is a great way to sample a lot of different stories and trending things as a writer. There are often other trinkets and things in the box that are bonus gifts.
Join a Subscription Box Company as a Writer
If you have some short stories that you want to get out there, or you want to get the first few chapters of your book exposure, this is a great way to do it. You may also want to offer the first book in a trilogy, and then others that subscribe to the boxes will want to purchase your second and third books so they can see how the story ends. Look for subscription companies that are looking for writers, poems, stories, or other writing materials and ideas for their boxes.
The investment that you make to get the subscription box for cross genre writers is a great investment because you don't want to waste a lot of money purchasing many different books throughout the month when you are trying to stay on top of the writing trends. Paying to get into the subscription box is a great investment because it's a way to reach thousands of people that are all eager readers. They are likely to read what you have in the box when it arrives. This can get you more social media followers, more story purchases, and an improved career.