3 Reasons To Study Alexander The Great
There are lots of different historical figures one can learn about. One historical figure that everyone should study at one point in time is Alexander the Great. One great way to study and learn about Alexander the Great is by reading some historical fiction book series that will really allow you to dive deep into his life.
Reason #1: He Was Taught by Great Philosophers
Even today, students study philosophy and works of Aristotle, as well as all the works inspired by Aristotle. There are college classes that are dedicated to Aristotle's work. Aristotle is often considered to be one of the greatest philosophers in history, and he was a tutor to Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great has the unique privilege of being taught by Aristotle. If you are interested in the works of Aristotle at all, it can be fascinating to examine Alexander the Great's actions and choices through the lens of Aristotle's philosophies; you can examine and see the direct influence that one of the greatest philosophers of all time had on a future king who would yield enormous power.
This is one of the first people that history can look at and see how Aristotle's thinking had an impact.
Reason #2: He Was a Winner
Another reason why Alexander is worth studying is because he was a winner when it came to military actions. He is called Alexander the Great because of his period of conquests, he went years without losing a battle.
He is considered to be one of the greatest military leaders of all time. The tactics and strategies that were used by his army were so great, that military academies still study them today. Just like his tutor, Aristotle, make long-lasting contributions to philosophy, Alexander the Great made long-lasting contributions to military strategy and tactics.
If you are interested in military tactics, or how to manage a huge army, reading a historical fiction about Alexander the Great is the first step to understanding his military approach.
Reason #3: He Has a Mysterious Death
Finally, it is not only his life which is intriguing, but his death as well. Alexander the Great died when he was only 32 years old. Alexander fell ill after drinking wine at a party and died within weeks of falling ill.
There is much speculation over how he died, when he was so young and seemingly in such good health. By reading about his history, you will learn about some of the theories behind his death, which can help one understand how turbulent life was, even for a king, during his time.
It is important to learn from history, and reading historical fiction is one way to make history easier to consume and digest.
For more information, reach out to a bookstore that offers products such as Alexander the Great historical fiction books.