Updating Or Replacing An Unused Water Well
Are you planning to purchase a home that has been vacant for a while and has a water well on the premises? If so, the well likely needs to get some repairs. This will need to be done to ensure that the water supply is safe. The following points will help you to understand what you need to do to get the water well back safe and operational.
A water well inspection is the best way to determine whether there are existing issues with a well. The condition of the well is dependent upon a number of factors, such as how long it has been since the well was used. Another key factor is the condition of the well the last time that it was used. Perhaps the original homeowners had issues with the water well but did not bother seeking water well services because they knew that they would be moving.
Even if the well is in good condition, a disinfection process must occur. There are a number of contaminants that could have formed in the unused water supply. Consuming contaminated water can make you seriously ill. There are a number of disinfectants that can be used to treat water wells. A well services contractor can determine the best approach based on the condition of the well. Sometimes the disinfecting process is a temporary fix when there are other issues that will also need to be addressed. A contractor could treat the water well to make it temporarily safe while the rest of the plumbing project is being planned. The water well is only one portion of the plumbing system that will need to be addressed. The water from the well also has an impact on the septic system, which will need to be inspected too.
After the water supply gets treated, water tests will need to be performed to determine if there are bacteria or other contaminants still present. If the quality is poor, a second attempt to disinfect the well will likely be made. This would be followed by another test. Bacteria, nitrates, and chemicals are all potential contaminants. When the contractor is able to get test results that say the water is safe, you can expect to have routine testing performed to ensure that your water is safe to drink.
A water well services contractor is a good resource to use to understand the condition of your well. You can use their services prior to purchasing a home. They can determine if there are significant issues present that might warrant new water well drilling. They can also make amendments to the existing well to ensure it is safe.