Why Wisdom Teeth Is Primarily a Problem for Younger People
Wisdom teeth removal has long been a procedure associated with teenagers and young adults, with millions of people undergoing the procedure every year. It is very safe and these wisdom teeth removal surgery clinics have mastered the art so that there are very few complications, if ever. But still, many people wonder, why are wisdom teeth more of an issue for young people? Is there any chance that you will start to see them becoming a painful issue at, say, 40 or 50 years old?
Here is a quick look into wisdom teeth removal and why it is more of a younger person's issue.
Make the Most of Growing Pains
Puberty affects everyone differently but almost everyone will experience quite a dramatic change in their physical appearance in every area of their body. This includes your teeth and jaw, which both continue to change during this time. For some people, their jaw does not grow to adapt to the size needed for wisdom teeth. This is when wisdom teeth removal is performed. While your jaw might have eventually grown large enough to accommodate these wisdom teeth, the pain in the meantime is not worth that slim possibility.
Setting In
After your mid-20's most people have finished growing and thus it is quite unusual for new wisdom teeth to appear, or for them to feel as though they are just about to break through the surface of your gums. The main reason wisdom teeth removal is not done on older people is simply that either you have already encountered this problem when you are young, or by the time your wisdom teeth are pushing through the jaw is easily big enough to hold them without any major issues. Some people never develop wisdom teeth at all, although that is quite a small number in the grand scheme of things.
Stay Proactive With Your Kids
Just because you might not have had any trouble with your wisdom teeth does not mean that your children will be as lucky. In fact, the vast majority of people have their wisdom teeth removed, with some estimates sitting at around 85%. Remember to listen to your children if they complain of any feelings of discomfort in their jaw, as wisdom teeth pain is a unique feeling that is hard to describe to those who never had it. Regular dentist visits will also pick up any abnormalities.